
Is Rush Limbaugh Racist?

For all of our returning readers, I just stumbled upon something that I couldn't resist bringing to your attention. A few months back I wrote an article about racism and the image of black quarterbacks (and in comparison...white quarterbacks) in the NFL. You can read that article here.

In the wake of that article, we received some feedback from several readers who thought I was a bit too harsh on our friend Rush. They argued (somewhat convincingly I must admit) that Rush was merely communicating his belief that there is a media bias that supports black quarterbacks. They didn't think that Rush himself was actually racist. In reviewing the latest MMQB, I was delighted to discover that our friend Rush still hasn't closed his mouth about the issue. Well...I'll just let the horse tell you himself...

"And before we go to the break here, folks, I've got to get something off my chest. You know, the game was the game. And the game was what it was. But I - I can't handle any more press criticism of Rex Grossman. They're writing his name W-R-E-C-K-S. They're just ... worst quarterback ever to play in the Super Bowl. And it's been like this since the Green Bay game -- actually since the Arizona game, a little crescendo of it in the Green Bay game, the last game of the season for the Bears. And it's just unrelenting! It's just -- they're focusing on this guy like they don't focus on anybody!

"And I tell you, I know what it is. The media, the sports media, has got social concerns that they are first and foremost interested in, and they're dumping on this guy -- Rex Grossman -- for one reason, folks, and that's because he is a white quarterback.''

So there you have it. I think that Rush's latest comments demonstrate that he is indeed obsessed with the issue of race when it comes to the position of quarterback in the NFL, but I want to hear your opinion. What do you think? Is Rush a racist or is he merely misunderstood? Do his comments demonstrate a societal problem or is he just a loud mouth that we should learn to ignore? Feel free to send us an email or leave a comment as to your response.

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