
Rutgers/Louisville - Part 1

In what will be a first for SixTalkingHeads, the following two part series will chronicle the November 9, 2006 Louisville/Rutgers football game. Two of the Talking Heads will be at the game and it is our hope that their perspective (though likely tainted by consumption of alcohol) might give you some insight into the madness that is Big East football. We hope to write like this about other games in the future. We hope you will read these writings. Realistically? We hope this doesn’t suck…

Rutgers/Louisville Part 1 – The Anticipation

I begin with a disclaimer. It is my firm belief that along the spectrum of blood types in the human body, one can find A, B, O and “Blue and White.” On my day of reckoning, I’d certainly need a transfusion from the last of this group. Growing up in Northern Pennsylvania about an hour from Beaver Stadium (and 15 hours from pretty much anything else), Joe Paterno was as much a part of my formative years as G.I. Joe, the Transformers, and Mister Rogers put together. While I vaguely had an idea of who Ronald Reagan was, I went to bed at night hoping that Joe’s coke bottle glasses wouldn’t fog up in the snow of the Notre Dame game. Penn State football was the measuring stick upon which all other programs, teams, and players were assessed…and they never even came close. While I can’t claim a giant leap in maturity over the last 20 years, I would say that I’ve expanded my college football horizons slightly. Though I still scowl openly at the likes of Notre Dame, Michigan, and “PITT”, I can recognize a strong team when I see them. Likewise, I’ve developed the uncanny ability to sit through games involving teams that don’t wear Blue and White, and to enjoy these games for the entertaining spectacles that they are. Go me! But just as I launch into a veritable thesis about my vast knowledge of college football, into the room walk the 8-0 Rutgers Scarlet Knights…and I’m speechless.

Every few years, a college football team explodes upon the national scene with the suddenness of Jar Jar Binks in the fourth (or is it first?) Star Wars movie.
You never saw him coming and once he showed up, you weren’t really sure what it was you were looking at. Unlike Jar Jar, many of these college football teams have actually been quite likeable (see: Northwestern’s 1996 Rose Bowl team) or at least highly entertaining to watch (see: any Kentucky team quarterbacked by Jared Lorenzen). To this abbreviated list I add Rutgers…circa 2006. I’ll be the first to admit that going into the season, I knew next to nothing about Rutgers. I had a hazy memory of Rutgers playing in a bowl game last season, but then again, who didn’t? Beyond that, my only knowledge of Rutgers 2006 was that “they’ve got a really good fullback!” - a compliment that falls somewhere between “our punter is awesome!” and “damn…these stadium cheese fries are good!” on my list of national championship endorsements.

Fortunately, in the face of my sarcasm and skepticism, Rutgers has persevered - not losing a game to date.
With their presence so strongly announced, I can no longer turn a blind ear. I must investigate the phenomenon that is Rutgers football. In the interests of you the reader (and if you’re reading this on one of our slow days, I do actually mean YOU) and my own sense of sanity, I will be attending the Rutgers/Louisville football game in Rutgers City tomorrow (I know…I know…but you could Google the name too if it’s that important). I will leave no stone unturned, no Louisville Cardinal insult unspoken and no Rutgers chant un…chanted. For one late afternoon and evening in November, I will completely immerse myself in the Scarlet Knight culture and hopefully emerge with stories to tell. Expectations are high my friends. My curiosity abounds. Do they arrange their beer pong cups differently? What is the choice tailgating food? What color are the port-a-potties? Will their mascot meet my exceedingly high expectations of what a Scarlet Knight should be? Will the Knight’s horse really fly?

The game is yet a day away and I can barely contain my excitement.
The Cardinals are coming to town with national title implications in the balance (well…for them anyways) and everyone in America will be watching. Sure, I’ll probably get cocky and throw out a “WE ARE…” or two, but I realize this is Rutgers’ night and I’ll paint my face and scream my lungs out accordingly. I have full expectations for a great night of college football and I doubt I’ll be disappointed. Sure…it won’t be the same as the PSU games of yesteryear but somehow I think that JoePa would understand. Honest competition, team spirit, and doing things the “right way” encompass the Paterno style of football and I have a feeling even Peachy Joe himself would smile at the spirit of this Rutgers team. While Vegas and the BCS might favor Louisville, 40,000 screaming fans in Rutgers City will have something different to say. I’m sure you’ll be watching, but even if you don’t, check back here this weekend for my follow up on the game that was and you won’t miss a beat.

For now, I bid you adieu my fair readers. My armor needs shining and the horse needs fed…it’s time for battle.


Steve Brodrosian said...

A fantastic piece of writing. Well done.

Rick said...

I agree with Pikes. I am quite anxious to read Part 2...