
Hall of Fame Coach Admits Team Sucks...or Maybe He Sucks

"You have to create and play well every single year, and every single game," said Gibbs. "So I think I was very cautious and there weren't any high expectations from anybody here, the coaches or anyone in the organization. We're bitterly disappointed we got off to a horrible start, didn't win any games in the preseason. It's been extremely tough for us, and most of it comes back and is my responsibility. It's my job to win football games and we haven't done that."

What's up with Joe Gibbs and the Washington Redskins? Last year, they seemed poised to challenge for the NFC East crown after a red hot second half put them in the NFC wildcard game. They signed and traded for big name players like hard-hitting Adam Archuleta, return man extraordinaire Antwaan Randle El, rapper/TD-maker-despite-49er's-crappy-offense Brandon Lloyd, power back TJ Duckett, and monster LB/DE Andre Carter. As of midseason, Archuleta has been replaced by gimpy old-geezer Troy Vincent, because he can't defend the pass. Randle El hasn't noticeably improved the return unit, and Lloyd can't buy a pass when Santana Moss is on the field (even when Santana Moss was hurt, Brunell's go-to guy is...James T(h)rash?). Duckett doesn't even dress for half of the games, and when he does, he's lucky if he gets more than 5 carries. At least Andre Carter is tied for the team lead in sacks...with two. Ouch.

Lets revisit that Gibbs quote, "...there weren't any high expectations from anybody here..." So basically, he's saying, "I knew we sucked before the season; I knew our team wasn't going to do well; I admit we suck now, and I'm the reason we suck." Keep in mind that this is not a rebuilding year for them. Clinton Portis is tearing up defenses like he always does; their defense was scary last year, and the playmakers they've added should have made them even more so. The Skins still have a shot at the playoffs, but that might require replacing alligator-arm, sack-prone, and turnover-prone Mark Brunell with strong-armed, mobile, and playmaking Jason Campbell. It's not too late!

He may be a Hall of Fame coach, but Joe Gibbs knows when to fold. When you look at the coach's own words that directly reflect upon the teams questionable personnel decisions, it looks like this might be Gibbs's last year in the NFL. It's a shame too, because few coaches share his honesty and candor. When was the last time Denny Green or some other coach with a sub-.500 record admitted not only that their team sucked, but also admitted that it's his own damn fault?

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