
Fantasy Linup Picks - Week 10

Hey Kids – I’m back for another try at the weekly fantasy picks. As always, this is the place where I offer my weekly picks of who to get in your lineup, who to sit, and what defenses are scary good or possibly ripe for the picking. Follow this advice you’ll have lots to brag about on your next date.

I'll start with the studs of the week...

Use 'em:

1. Jon Kitna: In recent weeks, Jon Kitna has become an invaluable fantasy option. Yes, you read that right…Jon Kitna…invaluable fantasy option. With Roy Williams having a strong season and the Lions putting up a ton of points, look for Kitna to put up good numbers again this week against a weak Niners defense.

2. Jamal Lewis: Several weeks ago I discussed the “Hot Ex-Girlfriend Effect” in light of the turnaround of Travis Henry. To briefly recap, the hot ex-girlfriend is the horribly bitchy girl that your buddy rightfully broke up with, yet falls for again years later when he sees her at the bar. He happily takes her home…but you and I both know how it’s going to end. Jamal Lewis fits the category this season, but with a terrible Titans run defense on tap, he’ll be good enough for the one game hookup. Look for 75-plus yards and a score in Tennessee.

3. Joseph Addai: It’s hard to start a Colts running back this season considering the way Peyton has been playing, but Addai has been doing his best to change your mind. As Dominic Rhodes has stumbled his way to the bench, Addai seems to be getting better every week. The improvement will continue this week against the Bills, a fantasy bonus that you won’t want to miss out on.

4. Roy Williams: Who knew “The Legend” was such a looney? For that matter, what are they putting in the water down there in Austin? First Ricky Williams rewrote the book on NFL weird, then Cedric Benson made enemies of pretty much everyone in a Bears uniform, now we have Roy Dubs making ridiculous predictions every time a tape recorder is shoved in his face. Perhaps one day he’ll learn to shut up and play, but as you wait for that development don’t hesitate to start inserting “The Legend” in your lineup on a weekly basis.

5. Marques Colston: Before hearing his name pronounced, I was holding out hope that he went with a cool French/hippy inflection like “Mar….Kay”. Unfortunately for me, Marcus decided differently. Considering his incredibly play, Joe Horn’s absence, and Drew Brees’s hot streak, the pronunciation of his name is about the only thing open to criticism from Colston these days. Get him in your lineup and keep him there…you’ll thank me later.

6. Jeremy Shockey: First glance would make Shockey out to be a bad start this week. He’s been gimpy all season, the Bears are coming to town, and Amani Toomer is no longer around to help spread the field. While these are all valid points, I’m still recommending Shockey as a start this week. Plax already jinxed himself with the bears CBs, so Eli’s going to have to throw the ball to somebody.

7. Broncos Defense: Start one of the best defenses in the league? Profound advice on my part right? Well…actually…yeah. Despite their strong play this season, the Broncos Defense have yet to grace the top 5 of fantasy defenses. They are getting close though and they are a great fantasy play this week as they face an Oakland team whose mediocrity is now beyond description.

8. Jason Elam: Elam has yet to hit 10 fantasy points all season, which is surprising from a guy who plays for a team that doesn’t get in the end zone much. While the Raiders defense hasn’t been winning many games, they have done a good job at tightening up in the red zone. Somebody has to score points for the Broncos and Elam could be the guy this week.

While the above 8 will have you brushing elbows with the league elite, here are 8 that might leave you crying into your Tuesday morning Coco Puffs...

Lose 'em (at least for this week)

1. Rex Grossman: Where do I begin? Remember in the Monday Night game against Arizona when Rex was hitting every open Cards defender? Well the Gross Man nearly outdid himself at home last week when he hit a streaking Jason Taylor on the hash for a Dolphins TD. Did you see the replay? What was he thinking? The Giants defense is banged up this week, but I’m thinking our boy Rex will find a way to get them a score or two. This won’t help your fantasy cause in the least. You know what to do with him.

2. Leon Washington: Washington has been a hot pickup in fantasy circles. His success in the NFL surprises me considering he was a bit of a letdown at FSU. That said, Curtis Martin unfortunately seems to be done in the NFL and nobody else on the Jets would step up, so the job is apparently Washington’s to lose. He might have a future in the league, but the future isn’t this week and it isn’t against the Pats third ranked run defense.

3. Travis Henry: And we come full circle…back to the “Hot Ex-Girlfriend Effect.” Admit it…you saw Henry blowing up a few weeks ago and you said to yourself “Man…those are some good numbers…I remember when he was in Buffalo…he was REALLY good…and I can get him in a trade straight up for Peyton Manning?...” I hope you didn’t get sucked in, but if you did, this is the week to jump off the bandwagon. The Ravens happen to have a decent defense…Travis won’t be looking so hot after Sundays game.

4. Lee Evans: In his past two games, Evans has been targeted 10 times but has only been able to muster 3 receptions. While one of these receptions went for a touchdown, the lack of overall production has to be concerning to Evans’ owners. This week Lee takes on a surprisingly strong Colts pass defense (which may or may not be a reflection of their run defense). The Colts picked off Tom Brady about 9 times last week…this doesn’t look good for J.P. Losman, Evans, or the Bills. Leave them all on the bench.

5. Chad Johnson:

Where have you gone, Ocho Cinco?
Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
What's that you say, Mr. Lewis?
Chatting Chad has left and gone away,
Hey hey hey.

Bench him.

6. Larry Johnson: I kid. I kid. Just wanted to make sure you’re still paying attention.

6(a). Owen Daniels: How can I explain this? Most fantasy leagues have 10 or 12 teams. Through simple math, we can see that there are only a certain number of tight ends who should be started on a weekly basis – you know their names (if you don’t, I can’t help you anyways). Simply put, Owen Daniels isn’t one of those names yet and he shouldn’t be considered one of the top tight ends in the league. I realize the guy has 5 touchdowns, but for whatever reason I’m just not sold. Start him at your own risk – and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

7. Jeff Reed: Not that a lot of people are starting him, but if you considering it this is definitely not the week to do so. Reed’s Steelers play the Saints on Sunday, which leads me to what is probably the most interesting stat I’ve read this week. The New Orleans Saints have only given up four…yes FOUR…field goals the entire season. That averages out to half a field goal per game. I’m not really sure what this stat means but for some reason it really impresses me. Does their defense exercise a break but don’t bend mentality? Are the goal posts smaller than league regulations? Do they let air out of all the footballs? Whatever the reason, nobody seems to kick field goals against the Saints, and I doubt Reed will be the one to reverse the trend.

8. Seahawks D: Sure, they looked good last week, but we all know who they were playing. Judging by their Monday Night games (the only times I’ve seen them), the Raiders appear to have reached a level of offensive incompetence the likes of which we’ve never seen before. At this point, it’s going to be a tough call whether you take the Raiders or the Amsterdam Admirals when you play one of those “let’s pick crappy teams” matchups in Madden 2008. Unfortunately for the Seahawks, they only play the Raiders once this season. Next up is Holt, Jackson, Bulger and the Rams. I’d look elsewhere.

The BIG Fives

Finally we have The BIG Fives - these are the top five and bottom five rushing and passing defenses among active teams this week. If all else fails, look to these lists before reaching in your pocket for a coin to flip.

Rushing Defense

1. Vikings
2. Ravens
3. Patriots
4. Chargers
5. Cowboys

28. Rams
29. Browns
30. Jets
31. Titans
32. Colts

Passing Defense

1. Bears
2. Raiders
3. Colts

4. Dolphins
5. Saints

28. Patriots
29. Broncos
30. Redskins
31. Falcons
32. Packers

That's about it for this week folks. Choose wisely and if all else fails, blame it on the voting machines.


Jason said...

I can't believe you told people to bench Ocho Cinco. You're such a freakin moron. I feel sorry for the person who has to tie your shoes for you every morning.

[I felt the comments coming - figured I'd save you all the trouble]

Pischl said...

I wasn't paying attention and I benched LJ....thanks a lot jerk